Art Paine, Fine Artist

The Art of Boats, the Boats of Art

Blue Hill Bay

This is a portrait of a yacht in perfect trim, in perfect weather, in a gorgeous place at a lovely time of day. The scene is obvious to cruisers of the Maine Coast, as the distinctive little hump of Blue Hill and an obviously Northwest wind give the scene away. The yacht is sailing from […]

Beautiful Loser

The buyer loved the integration of frame and painting. In fact, Art suited the painting to the frame rather than the conventional other way around. The artist found an antique floor register for five dollars at a yard sale. This is the metal framework with adjustable louvers that was installed over a basement coal furnace. […]

Running Tide

The Abbey at Veselay, France

Tall Cotton Two

Shallow Complements

Really Love to Pry

Fougeres Village en Pretemps

Coconut Girl

A Bermuda High

Bekka, Africa

Azalea Gardens

A Sparkling Performance

Art Paine’s blog

I heat my home with wood.  Warms me twice. Here it’s last Fall and I’m keeping warm splitting a cord or two.  We heat with wood

A Close Cross in the Sun